
Member home page design improvements

Today we released a new design for the member home page. This is the page you see once you log in. The changes are unique based on the role you selected when you registered (survivor, supporter, caregiver, professional). Note that if you

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Gena Cook interview on King 5 TV Seattle

Our fearless leader, Gena Cook, was interviewed on KING5 TV’s morning news program today. It was a great opportunity to show off some of the site features that benefit cancer patients and their health care team, specifically the Daily Health Journal and

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Nurse Navigators help cancer patients navigate their care

Nurse Navigators: Dedicated professionals that help cancer patients navigate their care We at Navigating Cancer are proud of the work we do each day to provide cancer patients and their loved ones tools to organize and better communicate with the people that

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Prepare for Doctor Visit form improvements

What is the Prepare for Doctor Visit form and why cancer patients should use it Time spent with a physician is one of the most important parts of a cancer patient’s journey, and it’s critical that they can provide their physicians with

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Pan-Mass Challenge bike ride draws over 5000

The Pan-Mass Challenge is an annual fundraiser for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, and is credited as the first bike-athon in the nation to use cycling as a way to raise money for a cause. Started in 1980 by 36

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TCH Chemotherapy Regimen for Breast Cancer

Navigating Cancer has a plethora of informative articles about chemotherapy drugs and regimens, some of the most complete information available online. In an effort to bring attention to these resources, we will be posting summaries to the blog so you can get

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Meaningful Use Incentives for Cancer Clinics

You may have heard about the “meaningful use” regulation that was approved by Congress on July 13th as part of the HITECH act, laying out the specific requirements for hospitals and clinics that implement electronic health records to receive incentivized payments. The

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Cancer survival rate doubles since 70’s

A cancer charity in the UK has released findings from a study of survival trends over the last 40 years showing that people diagnosed with breast, bowel and ovarian cancers, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are twice as likely to survive at least 10

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The Big C trailer – new TV show about cancer

Showtime is launching a new series on August 16 about a woman who is diagnosed with cancer called “The Big C“. Starring Laura Linney and Oliver Platt, it’s billed as a comedy where the main character learns to live life to the

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Navigating Cancer CEO Gena Cook interview

Our fearless leader, Gena Cook, was recently interviewed by the Healthcare Blog, an independent resource covering news and information in the health care field. It was also posted at their sister publication, Health 2.0, a blog focused on technology innovations within the

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Cell phone radiation law passes in San Francisco

In previous blog posts we linked to a report that studies were inconclusive regarding cell phone radiation causing brain tumors, and a National Cancer Institute (NCI) report last month about the need for more research into environmental risk factors that could cause

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Health insurer pays for more nurses to save money long term

Geisinger Health System operates a number of clinics and hospitals in Pennsylvania, and also acts as an insurer for 250,000 people. They have been experimenting with innovative approaches to delivering high quality health care at reduced costs. One such experiment is to

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Breast and ovarian cancer research from 2010 ASCO conference

The most interesting and notable breast and ovarian cancer research from the 2010 ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) conference. Held in Chicago June 4-8, the annual meeting brought together 50,000 physicians, researchers, and other health care professionals from around the globe

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Lung cancer research from ASCO conference

The most interesting and notable lung cancer research from the 2010 ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) conference. Held in Chicago June 4-8, the annual meeting brought together 50,000 physicians, researchers, and other health care professionals from around the globe to discuss

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Prostate cancer research from 2010 ASCO conference

The most interesting and notable prostate cancer research from the 2010 ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) conference. Held in Chicago June 4-8, the annual meeting brought together 50,000 physicians, researchers, and other health care professionals from around the globe to discuss

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Lymphoma and leukemia research from 2010 ASCO conference

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting was held June 4-8 in Chicago, Illinois, bringing together 50,000 physicians, researchers, and other health care professionals from around the globe to discuss and hear the latest results in cancer research. Navigating Cancer’s

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Oncology clinic iPad promotion

We’re excited to announce a new iPad promotion for oncology clinics that have created profiles on Navigating Cancer. Each clinic that invites 100 patients to Navigating Cancer and has 50 patients actively using our tools by August 13 will win an Apple

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Do cell phones cause brain cancer?

That’s the question a decade long global study attempted to answer, but rather than provide clarity the study ended up generating more confusion and criticism because of how it was run. Scientists analyzing the accuracy of research into mobile phones and cancer

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Navigating Cancer is even easier

Thank you to all of you who have been using Navigating Cancer and sending us your thoughts & suggestions on how to make it an even better resource for cancer patients and their loved ones.  Over the last several months we’ve been

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Wanted: Navigating Cancer Community Ambassadors

Navigating Cancer’s mission is to empower cancer patients to navigate the journey to their best care.  One critical component to finding the right information is having access to others just like you to ask questions, to learn from and to receive encouragement

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