
Customizing Educational Resources for Cancer Patients

According to Pew Research, 72% of internet users looked online for health information this past year. This is good because the more patients understand about their particular disease or treatment, the better equipped they are to manage symptoms or side effects. And poor

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Value-Based Payment Models and Why Your EMR May Fall Short

Electronic medical records (EMRs) are the software programs that underlie internal clinic workflow at most health care organizations. They’ve been around for a while but implementation nearly doubled nationwide from 2007 to 2012, thanks to the federal resources poured into EMR adoption

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Meaningful Use: What to Expect

Last month, acting CMS administrator Andy Slavitt kicked up a media speculation storm when he said,“We are now in the process of ending Meaningful Use and moving to a new regime culminating with the MACRA implementation. The Meaningful Use program as it has

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Five Things You Should Know About the Oncology Care Model

Soon, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) will announce the 100 participants for the Oncology Care Model (OCM), selected from the pool of applications they received last June. What do all cancer centers need to understand now about how OCM

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Why We Do What We Do

At Navigating Cancer, we’re a team of healthcare and technology veterans committed to helping patients and providers fight cancer better. Many of us have family members who have faced cancer, and a few among us are cancer survivors themselves. A couple times

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The Rise of PROs

Cancer care is becoming value-based. Evidence of this evolution is widespread, from the rise of the oncology medical home and the Cancer Care Payment Reform Act H.R. 1934, to successful payer pilots such as UnitedHealthcare’s episode payment model and the University of

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Meaningful Use, One Step Closer to Finalization

The rules for Stage 3 meaningful use, and the potential modifications to Stage 2, moved one step closer to finalization last week when The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) handed them off to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

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Why We Do What We Do:Part II

Walking past the bookshelves at Navigating Cancer, you will see several framed photos. When I began my work here, I found that many employees have family members who have faced cancer, and we are all encouraged to give these special people a

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A Path Forward to Interoperability

There has been a lot of talk in the news about interoperability, and for good reason. It’s essential for effective patient care and to improve the efficiency and affordability of our healthcare system. We need to have an efficient, effective and safe

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How to Create a Meaningful Experience for Your Patients on the Portal

Many healthcare professionals (HCPs) have made tremendous headway in incorporating electronic health records (EHRs) and patient portals into their practices to meet meaningful use requirements and facilitate patient engagement. Many patients also have been using patient portals. A recent survey from the

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Giving Thanks for Health IT Advances

With the week of Thanksgiving upon us, it is time to reflect on what we’re thankful for. One of the most important things to be thankful for is our health and the health of the important people in our lives. The recent

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Why We Do What We Do: Part I

Walking past the bookshelves at Navigating Cancer, you will see several framed photos. When I began my work here, I found that many employees have family members who have faced cancer, and we are all encouraged to give these special people a

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Delay in Meaningful Use Stage 2? Not really.

There has been confusion and questions circulating about the recent announcement regarding a new timeline for Meaningful Use Stage 2 and 3.   On December 6, 2013, CMS proposed a new timeline for Meaningful Use, extending Stage 2 for an additional year and

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Patient Portals and Medication Adherence

Patient Portals are becoming the cancer clinics “right arm” in supporting their efforts to regularly educate and communicate with their patients between clinic visits. With this new communication vehicle, there is an opportunity to improve medication adherence by communicating more regularly with

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The Value of a Patient Portal: A Customer’s Perspective

Patient Engagement is not just a new “buzz word” in healthcare, but its here to stay.  Healthcare providers do not need to look far to find examples.  HITECH Meaningful Use, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Patient Centered Medical Home, and Commission on Cancer

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Digital Technology and Brand Planning

Many individuals consider “digital” a channel when it’s not – it is however, a capability that all communicators should have. Just about everyone in the US uses some sort of digital communication, with internet penetration around 80% of the population.  When you

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