Navigating Cancer is excited to announce our newly published research showcasing the substantial impact Health Tracker’s remote symptom monitoring has on patient outcomes and care costs. This research, led by Dr. Debra Patt from Texas Oncology and Dr. Ethan Basch (UNC at Chapel Hill), demonstrates a substantial reduction in hospitalizations, emergency room visits and deaths. Financially, the study reveals a decrease in the monthly costs of care by $1,146 per metastatic cancer patient.
Navigating Cancer’s Health Tracker product facilitates real-time electronic patient reported outcome (ePRO) reporting, empowering clinicians to rapidly intervene with appropriate symptom management. Utilizing a modified PRO-CTCAE instrument, Health Tracker enables care teams to schedule medication adherence and symptom monitoring check-ins tailored for medication regimen or post infusion follow-up. Our patient centered approach allows patients to choose their preferred communication method (text, email or phone call), ensuring all patients, regardless of technical ability, can participate.
Health Tracker plays a pivotal role in shaping the health outcomes of cancer patients. Our research study underscores a remarkable 33% reduction in adverse events—defined as hospitalizations, ER visits, and even mortality.

Clinic utilization of ePRO monitoring can substantially increase shared savings in value-based care models, including the Enhancing Oncology Model (EOM). By facilitating timely clinical interventions, Navigating Cancer’s solution prevents symptom escalation and averts costly hospitalizations and ER visits. As the study illustrates, usage of Navigating Cancer’s ePROs solution results in a 10% ($1,146) reduction per metastatic cancer patient in monthly Medicare costs, primarily through reductions in inpatient and associated physician costs.

Join other clinics and physicians in implementing Navigating Cancer’s premier ePRO solution. Contact us to help facilitate discussions about the valuable impact Health Tracker will have for your patients and clinic. For more information about how to get started contact:
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