Cancer Blog roundup for week ending August 27

We’ve been making a point to keep tabs on the cancer blogosphere so we can share with you some of the most interesting and engaging posts from cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. Post comments below to let us know what you think of this week’s roundup, or post a link to your blog if you’d like to be added to a list of blogs we follow.
- In her post, Good News and a Pain in the Boob, Cathy Bueti discusses a less-than-pleasant mammogram experience and ponders how to speak up during a bad experience at the doctor’s office.
- Dr. Wendy Harpham has an interesting post on steps clinicians can take to make sure chart notes are healing – or at least not harmful – to patients who choose to review them.
- The blog Positive About Negative has news about a recent report that says blueberries can control tumor growth, decrease metastasis, and kill the cells of triple-negative breast cancer.
- Cinco Vidas addresses the tough question of what to expect when death is near for terminal cancer patients.
- Stephanie of Bah to Cancer looks at a recent article that reveals the risk of lymphodema being brought on by flying in breast cancer survivors is in fact extremely low.